Friday 1 May 2009

Revenge of The Pork Pie

After decades of warnings and numerous near misses, the scourge of the pork pie has been unleashed on the world. The H1N1 virus or "swine flu" has finally surfaced after the Pork Pie Mothership gave the order to a Mexican batch of "Hector's Hearty Pork Pasties" in the small town of Chimalhuacán (just north of Mexico City, Mexico). These pies were buried in the Mexican desert many moons ago. These pies contain strains which have been festering beneath their decaying crusts for over 30 years. A small boy out playing with his Wooden Toy Baleros Cup Barrel gently skipped as he rattled out tunes. Eyewitness reports state his foot went through the soil beneath him as he skipped and deep into the festering virus buried beneath the pie crust. Unaware of any problems, the young boy stood up, brushed off the crumbs and skipped home as his Cup Barrel rattled out more tunes. He later made a huge candy filled Pinata with his father. There began the catalyst which would start a world pandemic. The Pinata was beaten open by excited children at a family party and dozens of excited bambinos dashed in to each grab a piece of the virus tainted candy. The rest my friends is history. The 30 year Pork Pie plan is now well under way. World governments are playing it down as "Swine Flu". Pie defence officials know otherwise. Is this the end of the world? Time will tell.