Tuesday 23 December 2008

If only Armstrong had opened his eyes!

July 1969... the world looks on in awe as Neil Armstrong unravels the American Flag on the surface of the moon. Had Neil not been so engaged in trying to get his flag to fly, then perhaps he would have noticed the crash landed Lamb & Pea behemoth craft pictured in the foreground above. He only had to glance to his right, but no, he had to get that last crease out of the flag. Shame on you Mr Armstrong!! Perhaps the world would be a safer place had you returned to Earth with a gravy or crust sample instead of the pounds and pounds of moon rock. Our military could have been well on the way to developing a crust buster or an anti gravy scald device. Nice one Neil!

Photograph courtesy of an undisclosed source who happened to be on the moon at the time of the NASA landings.

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